Welcome to the Shire of Riviere Constelle!

Who are we?

We are the Shire of Riviere Constelle, a part of the Known World of the The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The SCA is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the study of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The SCA has over 50,000 participants worldwide who recreate many different aspects of these eras, including fighting, fencing, archery, and numerous arts and handcrafts.

The SCA is open to people of all ages.

What is the SCA all about?

Come to a meeting or our annual event Rendezvous at the Bridge and find out!

Members of the SCA learn about the eras they study both through research, by wearing the clothing of the time and actually doing the activities, crafts, arts and sciences practiced between 600 and 1600 AD. These can be any of a wide variety of arts and sciences, from embroidery to metalworking, leatherworking to brewing, miniature painting to storytelling, cooking to armored combat, archery to fencing. Practically any art, craft or combat that was done during the era is done by someone in the SCA.

Society for Creative Anacronism